A Contemplative Journey on Contagious Joy


A Contemplative Journey on Contagious Joy

By Central Women


Psalm 16: You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

John 15:11: I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.


So often we pray for joy, or pray for experiences that will bring joy, but we forget (or dare say refuse) to go to the source… the presence of God.

We can often remember short spurts of joy we’ve had. Perhaps a silly moment at a dinner table, witnessing a baptism at church, an excellent meal on a vacation. But the joy seems fleeting and is over almost instantly.

This is because joy isn’t in things or places. Joy is found in the presence of God.

The enemy has done a good job convincing us that joy is out of our control. We are dependent on others and on circumstances to experience joy. Society tells us that until we have a perfect life, our dream job or we have all the things we are hoping for, that joy is out of reach. We are led to believe if we experience hardship, sadness, or frustration that joy is impossible.

This couldn’t be further from the truth.

God views joy differently. Joy is a product of our relationship with Him.

This is good news! When we stop and reflect on this, that means, there’s nothing that should truly scare us. We have no worries or fear of failure, or our burdens, because we don’t have to carry them alone. God sustains us. This is why people who are going through the most painful of seasons, remain joyful.

Lasting joy doesn’t often come quickly. Because joy is one of the fruits of the spirit, we know that just like fruit it grows. It starts small, from a seed, and over time grows into blooms on a plant, and into unripe fruit. It’s not until it’s mature where the flavor comes. And when the fruit is ready, the flavor is often abundant and enjoyable! But it doesn’t come without being fostered and tended to.

The Message version of John 15:11 says: “I’ve told you these things for a purpose: that my joy might be your joy, and your joy wholly mature.”

John 15 lands in the middle of Jesus’ parting words to the disciples. He knows what’s coming. He’s about to be betrayed, arrested, and crucified on a cross. He knows what He and His disciples will experience in the coming days. And yet, He tells them these things in order to mature their joy, and to remind them that joy comes from the presence of being with Him.

Joy seemed so far away from the disciples after Jesus was arrested. And joy may seem far away from you right now. But, the Bible teaches us that in the presence of God is where we experience the fullness of joy. Focus on drawing closer to Him, and watch your joy become complete.


• How often do I seek joy in other places or things, and forget to go the presence of God?

• How can I ensure I am making time to be in His presence, and to find joy in my moments with Him?

Pray: Take some time to pour out your heart to Him. These moments sitting in His presence is where joy is found.
