Central Women Online Bible Study - I AM: Introduction


Central Women Online Bible Study - I AM: Introduction

By Central Women

You are invited to join us for a free eight-week Central Women Online Bible Study, I Am.

When: Starting Sunday, June 4; Complete on your timeline

Where: Online

Sunday Teaching Video on our YouTube Channel HERE.

Monday – Friday Bible Study Content on our Central Women Blog HERE.

Group Discussion on Facebook and Instagram

How: Study alone, with a friend, or a group. Remember, life is better together!

Central Women I Am Bible Study Summary:

It all started around a table. A group of women, sharing a meal. Then one woman asked… “What does God call you?”

Women started answering, “God calls me beautiful.”

“God calls me beloved.”

“God calls me His daughter.”

Then a woman answered…. “I am His daughter.”

“I am beautiful.”

“I am loved.”

The conversation shifted from acknowledging what the Bible says about us, to actually embracing the identity we have in Christ.

It was beautiful. It was moving. It was life-giving.

And so, the creation of this Bible study began.

What does God call you?

Maybe you know that He loves you and calls you “friend” and “His child.” But perhaps there is something lingering in you that believes something different.

Maybe you wrestle with different thoughts. Thoughts like…

I am not enough.

I am a mess-up.

I am undeserving.

I am unlovable.

Friend, these thoughts are not the truth. If you find this hard to believe, stick with us.

We are going to spend eight weeks diving into who God says you are. Discovering the truth in God’s Word and His insatiable love for you. (Spoiler alert…He’s loved you for forever, and the Bible is His love letter to you!)

This study is practical and designed to meet you in your everyday life. With the suggestions and applications presented throughout, we pray you will put them into practice each day during this study and beyond.

Here are some tips to make the most out of this study:

Commit: you’ll want to set aside time each day, five days a week to complete the material. Take a moment right now and decide the best time for you to carve out 20-30 minutes each day.

Tell someone: Tell your bestie, or your mentor/mentee, tell your mom, sister, and favorite aunt! Ask them to hold you accountable to work on the study each day. Better yet, invite them to do it with you!

We hope that you will surround yourself with community. God designed us specifically for relationships, and our faith is not meant to be private. Rally your friends and walk through this study together.

Set up coffee dates, playdates for kiddos, or even online hangouts with friends who live afar.

Stay Connected: Share what you are learning on our Central Women Facebook and Instagram under our weekly I AM threads.

Share what’s working for you and what you are struggling with the most during this study. Your story, insights, and struggles might just inspire others.

Pray: This study, the creation of it, the production of it and the use of it is and will continue to be covered in prayer. Join us by praying each day both at the beginning and at the end of your study time. Ask the Lord to help you with the areas you struggle with. Don’t get discouraged. And more important…keep pressing on.

We hope you join us on this journey. Don't forget to invite a friend and spread the word!
