I AM: Enough Week Four - Day Four


I AM: Enough Week Four - Day Four

By Central Women

Today is a perfect day to grab some coffee and settle in to study. Shut down and turn off all distractions just for a moment, and dive into God’s reckless love for us.

For the last three days we have studied and reflected on the things God says about us and what He has done for us.

God is our foundation.

Because He created us, we are enough.

We are content in who we are, because of who He is.

He’s given us everything we need, and even the freedom to dream.

Comparison and any lack of contentment we experience are not because of God.

What does this say about God then?

His love is unquenchable; we never tire of it. God’s perfect love for you and I is all-consuming and beautiful. It never seems to end but increases for you and me daily.

Let’s look at God’s unfailing love for us in terms of fear, something everyone has experienced at one point or another.

Did you know, “do not fear” is the most repeated command in scripture? God loves us so much that He promises that only His perfect love will cast out fear.

“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear.”

1 John 4:18

It is no coincidence “do not fear” is in the Bible 365 times. One verse for every day of the year.

His love for us drowns out doubt, insecurity, the unknown. Above all, His love for us drowns and overshadows all fear. He smothers fear with love!

His love is enough. He is enough. Whether we are facing fears, contentment or comparison, He is all we need.

Do you remember your first crush? Hours spent daydreaming about this person. You wish you were able to spend all day with them and couldn’t wait for the moment you were together again. Even little annoyances didn’t bother you because you like this person SO MUCH. That’s how God, our Father, feels about you. He is waiting to spend time with you, He doesn’t get annoyed with us, and even if we do things that hurt His heart, He still loves us without question or hesitation.

The song “Out Of Hiding” by Steffany Frizzel is amazing! If you haven’t heard of it before, stop what you are doing and go and listen to it. This song puts words to God’s love for us. Check out these words:

Come out of hiding your safe here with me.

There’s no need to cover what I already see.

You’ve got your reasons but I hold your peace.

You’ve been on lockdown and I hold the key.

Because I loved you before you knew it was love.

Still, I saw it all and I chose the cross and

You were the one that I was thinking of when I rose from the grave.

Now rid of the shackles, my victory is yours. I tore the veil for you to come close.

There’s no reason to stand at a distance anymore; you’re not far from home.

My friends, we have nothing to fear.

God is with you. He created you. Loves you. Chooses you.

In His awesome love for you, He chose the cross, and you were on His mind when He rose from the grave.

Stop looking for proof that you aren’t enough. You are who you are because He is who He is. And if He is all these things we talked about today and more, then you, my friend, are enough.


What fears do you struggle with?

Do your fears have anything to do with struggles with contentment and comparison? If so, why do you think they are connected?

Spend some time journaling a prayer to God. Make sure to thank Him for who He is, a loving Father who created you and delights in you. Ask Him to show you how to release your fears to Him.


God, thank You for your endless and reckless love for us. Because of who You are, we have no reason to fear. Help us let go of struggles we have with fear, contentment, and comparison. Help us to know we are enough, and give us courage to help other women know this truth as well. God, we are so undeserving of Your love. Show us how to love people the way You love them. Would you break our hearts for what breaks Yours. Amen.                                                                                                
