I AM: Enough Week Four - Day One


I AM: Enough Week Four - Day One

By Central Women

Do you remember when you were asked “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Picture yourself there for a moment, a little five-year-old, dreaming of all that lies before you. We didn’t spend those moments thinking about all the details or steps to get us there, every mundane task or test. We dreamed. We dreamed of being doctors, veterinarians, teachers, moms, astronauts. The whole world was in front of us. We knew who we were, and at that moment, it was enough.
Dreams give us hope, passion, something to achieve, something to look forward to and even something to try and fail.
Our dreams are big and beautiful, but they do not determine who we are.
From a very young age, people are speaking words over us. They encourage us in our dreams and try to instill purpose into us. Purpose doesn’t come from any particular person; it comes from God. God determines our lives, He gives us a purpose, and because of this, we know that we are enough.
“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’”
Jeremiah 29:11
And we all tend to stop right there, but we are missing a huge piece of what God is saying to us, we need to read the next few verses:
“‘Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you’ declares the Lord.”
Jeremiah 29:12-14
The Lord has a purpose for our life. His word reminds us that His purpose will always prevail before our own plans ever will. His purpose for our lives is something that He has adequately prepared us for… even if we think we should be going a different direction.
“Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” Proverbs 19:21
Dreams are good. They catapult us into different lands and different worlds. They instill inspiration and drive in us. There is nothing bad about having a dream and pursuing it.
But don’t confuse your dream with your identity.
Dreams change. Your identity doesn’t.
Ladies, if God is the foundation of our lives, then we trust we are exactly who He intends us to be.
We trust that He has given us everything we need to live out our purpose or calling.
We trust that as dreams come and go, some achieved and some left unmet, who we are at our core remains intact, consistent and resilient.
It's like a home. If you have a vision of what your house will look like someday, in your mind you have already decided how you are going to arrange the furniture, colors, landscaping, and how many bedrooms you’ll need. You get to choose what your home will look like, but you never ask the realtor if you can choose the foundation of the home.
When construction workers begin building, they build the foundations first. The workers do not dictate what the house will look like; the paint on the walls, if there will be wood shutters or faux wood blinds. They build the support structure.
When we truly believe God is our foundation, we believe who He says we are. We are enough. And He loves us so much that He has given us the freedom to dream, to live, to design, to build and to grow.
It’s our job to live our lives on purpose. Do you believe this?
If this is true, then what’s next?
Take a few moments to pray. Thank God for being your foundation, for His design for your life and for equipping you to live out your purpose.
Why do you think God says that He has plans to prosper you and not harm you?
Do you wrestle with times or situations where you feel you are not enough?
Now that you know you are enough, what or who is hindering you to live fully on purpose? 