Prayer Partners pray with those who come forward after worship services with specific requests. God has done incredible things during these short prayer times. Prayer Partners is not counseling, but a way to support those who need a lift up. Prayer Partners can serve after the service they attend. Contact Prayer Team for more information.
Intercession teams are pray-ers who pray in our prayer rooms during the various worship services. Our intercessors pray for those leading and attending each service. We also cover specific topics prayer during that time which may include local/global outreach, the homeless, current events, families and youth, to name a few. Contact Prayer Team in the office for further information about which service would work for your schedule.
The Prayer Request Team prays over the prayer requested submitted by our Prayer Partners during weekend services and through the Central website. Simply login and pray over these requests online for an interactive prayer time that works for your schedule. All you need to get started is access to a computer and a brief training. For more information or to get plugged into the Web Prayer team contact the Prayer Team.
Email the Prayer Team, or call (480) 924-4946 and we would be more than happy to speak to you about the various ministry opportunities, times available and how we can get you plugged in to prayer.
"They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and to the fellowship and to the breaking of bread and to PRAYER." Acts 2:42