
Recent Blogs

Why is Reading the Bible so Hard?

Jonathan Miller

Maybe you’ve been trying to read the Bible your whole life or you just picked it up for the first time yesterday. Maybe you’ve pretended that reading the Bible is a piece of cake, but inside you just don’t get it.

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What is Worship?

Ronnie Petkovich

What is worship? Why do millions of Christians gather around the world on Sunday to sing songs to God and about God? Is worship simply singing songs?

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What is the Church?

Jonathan Miller

What is the Church and what is God's intention for it? Is it just a building or a weekly gathering where Christians sing songs and listen to a message? Or is the Church much more than that?

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Why do Christians go to Church?

Jonathan Miller

On Sundays all across the world, millions of Christians gather together in buildings called churches. Why? Why do Christians get together once a week? Does the Bible tell Christians they need to gather together in a building on every Sunday?

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Why Christians Should Share Their Faith

Tom Kopp

It is essential for those who are not yet followers of Jesus to understand the Gospel. God created mankind and desired a relationship with us.

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Why Do Christians Serve?

Jonathan Miller

Christians are not called to serve out of the kindness of their own heart. They are meant to serve out of the kindness of God’s heart.

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