
Recent Blogs

How to Host Church from Home

Emily Heaton

We always desire the church community to be united. It’s good to remember the Church isn’t a building, but it’s also not just one individual watching a YouTube video of a sermon in their house and stopping there. It’s a group of believers, united and moved into action from the good news of Jesus! Regardless of what building you’re in, you are specifically called to bring the good news to the world.

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The Impact of Trauma and Adversity on Mental Health

Perry Emerick

The word “trauma” can be very misunderstood and difficult to understand. Trauma is one’s response to a deeply distressing or disturbing event that overwhelms their ability to cope, causes feelings of helplessness, diminishes their sense of self and their ability to feel the full range of emotions and experiences.

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Removing the Stigma of Mental Illness

Tom Kopp

One in five U.S. adults experience mental illness each year. So what is a mental illness? Mental illness is not a character flaw or defect. It is a diagnosable illness that affects a person’s thinking, emotional state, and behavior. Someone with mental illness is often disrupted in their ability to work, attend school, or engage in satisfying relationships.

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6 Ways to Help Prevent Teen Suicide

Mark Faul

Teen suicide is a difficult topic, but it’s too important to ignore. More teenagers die from suicide than from cancer, heart disease, and AIDS combined.

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The Science of Silence

Roxanne Small

Our culture often says that says more is better. As a result, the art of silence and mindfulness has almost evaporated from our culture altogether.

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